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Do you Live to Eat - or - Eat to Live?

This may sound like a riddle, but is not. We are what we eat, and we eat what we are are almost the same just the difference is the motive behind it.

This may be eternal debate, how you react to this tells a lot about who you really are, what's your relationship with food and life.

Food and the way we live go hand in hand, just the way you would treat food shows the way you are build. not everyone of us has this luxury to think all this.

People who just "eat to live" are the kind of people who don't care what they are eating as long as it's giving them a move by one more day

Live to eat - You pursue food for the sensory experience. You seek out food because it taste good, and the more delicious food you can eat the better. Your meals are the high point of your days.

Eat to live - You eat because your body needs food, not because you are pursuing the experience of eating. You eat when you need to, as much as you need to, but no more. If your food isn't exciting to eat, that is okay. You are more concerned about whether it's properly nourishing your body, so health trumps taste.

Either way you look at it, Food wins, so lets all eat healthy.

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We welcome new suggestions and would love to experiment more with new options, feel free to share your feedback and suggestions


Founder - Alimento Organico

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